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Frequently Asked Questions

Lincroft Little League is a non-profit, volunteer run organization that offers an officially chartered Little League Baseball/Softball program with divisions for boys and girls Little League ages 5 through 16 (baseball age as of 8/31 and softball 12/31).  Our volunteer Board Members, Team Managers, and Coaches provide a safe and fun environment to teach good sportsmanship and respect for their fellow players and help the players learn the rules and strategies of the game.  

Our program is supported from the registration fees we collect from our families and donations from local businesses.  We do not receive any financial support from Middletown property taxes or the Township of Middletown.

Little League International Important Links:
Little League
Little League Age Calculator
League Finder
Rules and Regulations
Bat Information

Who is eligible to play?

Lincroft Little League does not set the rules concerning who is eligible to play in our league. These rules are set by Little League International. 

Little League International had changed its residency requirements in 2014, and more children are eligible to play in Lincroft Little League this season. Here is a link to the residency and school attendance eligibility requirements:

The new rules gives a family the option to either play in its normal home Little League or the Little League in which one of its children's schools are located. This means that children who attend any of the following schools are eligible to play in Lincroft Little League:

  • Any school in Holmdel
  • Christian Brothers Academy
  • Lincroft School
  • Middletown High School South
  • Nut Swamp School
  • Oak Hill Academy
  • St. Leo the Great
  • Thompson Middle School

How do I upload my childs birth certificate?

During registration it will be required.

What exactly does "league age" mean?

The league age is the age a player has attained as of a specific date, for the purpose of placing the player in a particular division. League age is determined by Little League International.

Are refunds allowed after my child is registered for the Spring season?

Refunds are not possible after March 1st.

What does my child need to play baseball/Softball?

Your child will need a helmet, bat, glove and cleats and appropriate safety gear depending on boy or girl.  The Little League supplies jersey and hats to the baseball teams and jerseys to the softball teams (softball players wear face-masks so visors are not provided).  All players are required to wear their Little League issued uniform to play (umpires can allow players to wear sweatshirts over jerseys on cold nights); if a player is not wearing their Little League issued hat and jersey then they can't participate in their games.  Jerseys should not be altered in anyway or players will not be allowed to play. 

What is the league age determination date for baseball?

Please Click Here for the Official Little League Baseball Age Chart.
Lincroft Little League does not offer a program to league age 4 year olds for baseball.

What is the league age determination date for softball?

Please Click Here for the Official Little League Softball Age Chart.
Lincroft Little League does not offer a program to league age 4 year olds for softball.

The age of a softball player as of Dec. 31 of the previous year will be that player's league age for the season. As an example if a player turns 10 on Dec 15th (of the PREVIOUS year), that player would be considered league age 10. However, if the player turns 10 on February 15 of the playing year, she would be considered 9, since she was 9 on December 31.

What is the division structure for the league?


Little League Age


Tee-Ball Baseball (Tee only)





**Age as of 8/31 for baseball


Clinic Baseball (coach pitch)


Rookie Baseball (coach pitch)


Junior Baseball (Kid pitch, no walks)


Pioneer Baseball (kid pitch w/ walks)


 Sometimes 9 year olds are drafted up to play Pioneer Baseball

Little League / Majors

Baseball (46/60 baseball)


Some 11 year olds are drafted up to play Little League Baseball

Senior Baseball (60/90 baseball)




***(age as of 12/31)


Clinic Softball


*See note below

Rookie Softball


Minor League Softball



Major League Softball


Senior Softball



Can players "play up" to the next division?

There are a few divisions (e.g. Little League Baseball) where ages overlap. As an example, 10-11 year olds play Pioneer Baseball. 12 year olds play Majors Little League Baseball. "Some" 11 year olds are drafted up to play Majors Little League Baseball. The determination of how many 11s are drafted up is based on the number of 12 year olds registered in any given season. The determination of whether a player "plays up" to Little League is made by the coaches at the player draft. 10 year olds play Minor League Softball. In general, no player may "request" to play up to a division. Each year there may be divisions in which the league allows players to "play up", depending upon the number of registered players. When this happens, parents will be contacted via email to see if they would like their child to "play up".

What is the purpose of tryouts?

Tryouts are sometimes used for older divisions to assess the player's skill level. Coaches use these assessments during the player draft to assure some level of skill balance among the teams. All players are drafted  there are no "cuts", and even if a player is unable to attend tryouts he/she will be drafted to a team. Since this is a recreational league, all registered players are guaranteed to be placed on a team, and guaranteed play time.

Where are the games played?

LLL fields are located at the Lincroft Little League complex on Route 520 (Newman Springs Rd.), next to Lincroft School. Some softball games may be played at other local fields.

How can I register my child for the league?

You may register online by returning to the main home page.

  • Click on the registration button
  • Follow the instructions to complete the registration process
  • Family discounts are offered for 3 or more family members. To receive the discount, all children must be registered at the same time.
  • Credit Card payment only
  • Families need to provide proof of residency and a copy of the child's birth certificate
  • Special requests are accepted but not guaranteed (Requests for players to be on the same team are NOT accepted)
  • Parents must agree to the Parent's Pledge

How will I be notified about registration?

Please check the Lincroft Little League website.

Are players "cut" after registration?

No. Once a player is registered, there are no "cuts". Everyone gets to play on a team.

Why can't I request that my child be on the same team as his/her friends?

In the older divisions, coaches draft players, and coaches are free to choose players. The ONLY constraint is that siblings are placed together on the same team. For younger divisions, it is simply impossible to manage the logistics of multiple (sometimes conflicting) requests for pairing of players.

Do I have to volunteer a certain amount of time during the season?

Lincroft Little League is an entirely volunteer-run operation and a team effort on the part of the players and families alike.

The season wouldn't happen without volunteer support from all of the league families. That said, while there will not be a volunteer bond collected, we trust you will all partake in one of the key activities that will be listed on the Registration site: Manager, Coach, Opening Day, Equipment Distribution.

When do we play?

Regular season play begins in early April* and concludes in the middle of June.  Some divisions begin practices in March. in all divisions except Tee Ball and Clinic play or practice on weekdays as well as weekends. Teams in Tee Ball and Clinic divisions practice and play mostly on Saturdays with some games on Sundays. Post-season (All-Star) play begins immediately following the end of the regular season and can run through early August. 

*The Senior Baseball season begins in late April (after all of the high-school baseball tryouts are completed).

What are the coaches scheduling commitments?

Practices begin around March 15th and games around April 1st. Coaches should practice twice per week before games begin and less frequently during the season.

  • T-Ball, Clinic boys and Clinic girls  Games on Saturdays and occasionally during the week at 6pm
  • Rookie Baseball and Junior Baseball  Games on Saturdays and one night during the week usually starting at 6PM.
  • Pioneer Baseball  Games on Saturdays and one night during the week starting at 6PM or 8PM.
  • Little League Baseball  Each team plays 2 games per week. First game is M-W 6PM or 8PM, the second is Fri/Sat
  • Rookie Softball - Games on Saturdays and one night during the week usually starting at 6PM
  • Minor League Softball - Games on Saturdays and one night during the week usually starting at 6PM
  • Major League Softball - 2 games per week on weeknights, either at 6 or 8PM.
  • Senior Softball - Typically play twice during the week (one 8PM game Mon-Thur & one 7PM game on Sunday)* Senior girls play teams from other nearby towns (in addition to LLL teams) so some travel will be required . *Times noted are typical times-Times may vary.
  • All coaches should be available for picture day and the LLL Parade.

For all divisions: practices throughout the season are encouraged but ultimately optional based on coaches' availability.

How do I become a manager or coach?

You can register to be a coach at the same time you are registering your child for the league. On the registration site you must:

  • Agree to the Manager & Coach's Pledge
  • Agree to background check
  • Provide personal information such as Social Security# and Driver's License #
  • Provide a copy of your Rutgers SAFETY training card (cards do not expire) or agree to take the Rutgers SAFETY training course before the season begins.
  • Attend a field maintenance clinic at LLL if provided
  • Take a First Aid/CPR class provided by the American Red Cross or equivalent.  

Once this information is received, the league will conduct a background check JDP, the background check will be considered as candidates are selected for a coaching position.

What information in my background will eliminate me from consideration as a coach?

Local leagues are responsible for conducting a search of the nationwide sex offender registry for anyone who has committed sexual offenses involving minors. An individual who has been convicted or plead guilty to charges involving or against a minor, no matter when the offense occurred, will not be permitted to work or volunteer. Leagues have discretion to eliminate coaches from consideration based on other criminal offenses. The league will notify individuals if they are eliminated from consideration as a result of the background check.

Are coaches responsible for field maintenance?

Yes, each team's coaching staff is required to help prepare the field. At least one coach from both teams playing on that field should arrive 15 minutes early to help rake problem areas of the infield  home plate area, pitcher's mound, around first base etc. Teams playing on field 2 will have 10 minutes of post-game maintenance as well.

I was not selected as a coach, and would like a reason why. Who can provide this?

We are generally fortunate to have more coach volunteers than available slots. If you were not selected, we encourage you to volunteer again next year. We do not discuss the details of our coach selection process and do not provide any specific information about why an individual may or may not have been selected.

Background Checks:

Various Board Members, Volunteers and Coach positions are subject to a background check as required by Little League International, for the safety of our children.

Tournament Play: In order to be eligible for LL Tournament play for majors division or below a player must have played in 8 regular season games.

I don't see the answer to my question. Can someone respond?

Please email [email protected] with any questions you may have about Lincroft Little League.

Lincroft Little League

PO Box 186 
Lincroft, New Jersey 07738
Email : [email protected]
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